
  • 再利用可能センサー プロセス外側
  • 1回限りの電気取り付け
  • 漏れなし プロセスへの接触なし
  • 通常時閉回路
  • 破裂板の破裂と同時に開回路へ
  • 背圧の影響なし
  • マグネティック作動 ディスクアウトレットに作動アッセンブリー設置
  • BS&Bバーストディスクモニター、BS&B SmartDisk®、ワイヤレスモニタリングシステム、BS&B 破裂板マネジャー®他の適応する電子システムと併用する設計
  • 1” (25mm) ~ 8” (200mm)の破裂板に対応



Sizes & Pressures

Size ASME / ANSI EN JIS SPR-7R and SR-7R Safety Head Thickness
Face-to- Face Dimensions
in mm in mm
1 25 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.776 45.1
1.5 40 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
2 50 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
3 80 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
4 100 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 20, 30, 40 2.055 52.2
6 150 150, 300 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 2.524 64.1
8 200 150, 300 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 30, 40 3.399 86.33
Note: these dimensions do not allow for the rupture disk which can add up to 1/8” (3mm) or the companion flange gaskets.


BS&B supplies many of the accessories required to safely and conveniently install our overpressure relief devices and complementary products. Through our professional team and global network of sales engineers and procurement personnel, we are able to provide the highest quality accessory products to meet your installation requirements.

Saf-T-Change Quick Disk Replacement (QDR)

After activation, the replacement disk is quickly slid into place. Saving hours of lost production due to blown rupture disks.

Tell-Tale Assemblies & Excess Flow Valves/Gauges

A gauge tap in the outlet flange of the safety head may be considered when the safety head is installed in a vertical position.

Spare Safety Heads & Cap Screws


When activated, the jackscrews effectively separate the flanges, providing adequate clearance to remove or insert a safety head and external gaskets.

Lifting Lug Eye Bolts

Eye bolts are recommended when weight and/or accessibility is a factor in lifting safety heads.

Baffle Plate

When a safety head is free-vented to atmosphere, a baffle plate may be considered to disperse overpressure and absorb recoil.

Product Literature

Burst Alert Sensors
Detec Saf Alarm System – Burst Disk Monitor

Sizes & Pressures

Size ASME / ANSI EN JIS SPR-7R and SR-7R Safety Head Thickness
Face-to- Face Dimensions
in mm in mm
1 25 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.776 45.1
1.5 40 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
2 50 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
3 80 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 20, 30, 40 1.933 49.1
4 100 150, 300, 600 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 20, 30, 40 2.055 52.2
6 150 150, 300 10, 16, 25, 40 10, 16, 20, 30, 40 2.524 64.1
8 200 150, 300 10, 16, 25, 40 16, 30, 40 3.399 86.33
Note: these dimensions do not allow for the rupture disk which can add up to 1/8” (3mm) or the companion flange gaskets.


BS&B supplies many of the accessories required to safely and conveniently install our overpressure relief devices and complementary products. Through our professional team and global network of sales engineers and procurement personnel, we are able to provide the highest quality accessory products to meet your installation requirements.

Saf-T-Change Quick Disk Replacement (QDR)

After activation, the replacement disk is quickly slid into place. Saving hours of lost production due to blown rupture disks.

Tell-Tale Assemblies & Excess Flow Valves/Gauges

A gauge tap in the outlet flange of the safety head may be considered when the safety head is installed in a vertical position.

Spare Safety Heads & Cap Screws


When activated, the jackscrews effectively separate the flanges, providing adequate clearance to remove or insert a safety head and external gaskets.

Lifting Lug Eye Bolts

Eye bolts are recommended when weight and/or accessibility is a factor in lifting safety heads.

Baffle Plate

When a safety head is free-vented to atmosphere, a baffle plate may be considered to disperse overpressure and absorb recoil.

Product Literature

Burst Alert Sensors
Detec Saf Alarm System – Burst Disk Monitor

Burst Alert®マグネティックセンサー SPR-7R/SR-7Rホルダー

  1. SPR-7Rホルダーは起動後に破片を含んだアウトレットを伸ばすことにより、破裂板の破裂後、フランジから簡単に取り外せます。破片は包み込まれ、ホルダーから突出することはありません。
  2. SR-7Rホルダーアウトレット
  3. RBSスイッチ
  4. BAML:低圧LPSディスク用バースト・アラート・マグネティック・ロー作動アッセンブリー
  5. BAM:その他の認証されたタイプのディスク用バースト・アラート・マグネティック作動アッセンブリー
  6. SPR-7R/SR-7Rホルダーインレット
  7. 破裂板
  8. 非対称な位置決めピン;破裂板とBAM/BAMLをSR-7Rホルダー内の正しい位置に設置
  9. プリアッセンブリースクリュー;ホルダー、破裂板、BAM/BAMLコンポーネントをすぐに設置できるように固定せずに配置